Areas of Practice
What I Can Do for You
Civil and Commercial Litigation
Practical advice, experienced advocacy
Let Warren be the legal professional who will provide solutions for your litigation needs. Warren combines a fundamental understanding of the big picture about the complexity of business with a wide experience in the law. He has been helping clients achieve effective resolutions of a variety of civil, commercial and property disputes for 32 years.

Where I Specialise
Appeals, Judicial Review, Regulatory
Warren specialises in appeals and professional disciplinary complaints. Warren offers the very best advice in his specific areas of expertise, along with a depth of legal knowledge and experience. Warren has conducted upwards of 130 appeals in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court: his goal is to achieve the best outcome for you.
Practical advice, experienced advocacy

Get in Touch
Chancery Chambers, 2 Chancery Street
Auckland CBD
P O Box 106346, Customs Street
Auckland 1143
09-373 3343 or 021 980 445
Past Leading Cases
This is a selection of leading cases I have conducted at High Court and appellate levels.
Get in Touch
Chancery Chambers, 2 Chancery Street
Auckland CBD
P O Box 106346, Customs Street
Auckland 1143
09-373 3343 or 021 980 445
Past Leading Cases

Get in Touch
Chancery Chambers, 2 Chancery Street
Auckland CBD
P O Box 106346, Customs Street
Auckland 1143
09-373 3343 or 021 980 445
Past Leading Cases

Police formal warning quashed as unlawful
In S v Commissioner of Police [2021] NZHC 743 the High Court on application for judical review quashed and declared to be unlawful a formal warning for a criminal offence, ordering it be removed from the National Police database, holding that there had been a fundamental breach of the applicant's rights.
Supreme Court holds - jurisdiction to appeal
In H (SC 49/2021) v R [2021] NZSC 110 the Supreme Court held that jurisdiction to appeal a retrial order exists. Final hearing pending.

How Memory Works - Correcting an Injustice with Science
In M v R [2017] NZCA 333 a Crown expert at trial was found to have given evidence about how memory works when it was not self-evident she was qualified to do so. In the course of allowing my client's appeal, the Court explored the complexities of memory science but left definitive exposition of it to another day. A weak Crown case was not retried and my client gained his freedom.

Liquidator refused costs
In Finnigan v Ellis [2018] NZHC 2440 a liquidator spent $612,315.65 on a claim against directors. Accepting my argument that the failure to claim liquidators' costs in the substantive proceeding was fatal to most of the costs claim, the Court awarded $134,409.75. Another uneconomic liquidators' claim.

Home Saved
In Huirama & Ors v Trimac Finance Limited (2000) 8 NZCLC 262,154 I successfully obtained restraint of a mortgagee sale in the context of a ‘buy-back’ scheme.

Directors not responsible
In Spargo v Franklin HC Hamilton, CIV 2010-470-000091, 9.11.11: I successfully appealed against a determination of the Weathertight Homes Tribunal reversing an award based on directors’ liability, saving them $600,000.

Property Protected
In Tokley v Robinson HC Hamilton, CIV 2009-419-136, 10 March 2011 I defeated defences of non-est-factum, estoppel, acquiescence, and gifting to protect my client's property rights.

Lawyers and Liquidators Stopped
In Tietjens v Quigley [2015] NZHC 3276, [2016] NZAR 154 I successfully applied to debar liquidators’ lawyers from acting in a liquidation proceeding, in circumstances where a law firm had been the creditor who applied to put the Company into liquidation. The Company’s liquidators later withdrew their claims against my clients.

Speech could not be compelled
In Taylor v Jones [2006] NZSC 104; [2007] 2 NZLR 178 I successfully appeared on an urgent habeas corpus appeal - after the High Court and Court of Appeal had ruled my client's right to silence could be over-ridden, the Supreme Court agreed with me that habeas corpus rules did not apply and her right to silence was upheld.

Judgment sent to Commissioner of Police
In L v R [2010] NZCA 131 the Court of Appeal allowed my client's appeal, and referred its judgment to the Commissioner of Police, owing to the overbearing police interrogation of my client, who was a youth.